In 2009, Lesley and Greg Morano embarked on a journey to build a thriving family business. With their determination and personal investment, Morano Foods, Inc. was born. By 2011, their signature spaghetti sauce, a century-old recipe, hit shelves of 82 stores across Michigan, gaining traction in the gourmet market.
Recognizing the need to diversify their product offerings to reach larger retail chains, the Moranos sought to expand their sauce line. In 2012, Chi Ishobak was able to provide Morano Foods, Inc. with access to capital to secure a new co-packer and distributor, enabling them to broaden their product range and venture into new markets in response to growing consumer demand. The additional funding not only expanded the company’s reach but also fulfilled the Moranos’ dream of building a growing family enterprise. Today, their sauces continue to lead within the gourmet market across Michigan and beyond.
Learn more about the Moranos’ signature sauces by looking for their gourmet success on your local grocery shelves and by visiting their website today,